Between 1.000 – 110.000 m3/h air flow capacity, 12 different types and dimensions. Modular mounting system.
Unit Structure
Units are types of modular and can be shipped as dismounted on demand. Assembling of the units is possible as internal through nuts and bolts. It is made use the neoprene tightness gasket on surface of the units’ connection points. It is manufactured using service lids, hinges, clips or door handles. These materials are durable against corrosion. There is observation window, start-stop button, door switch on service lids and lighting fixture in the units. There are technical information stickers on the device. Units are durable to 25000 pa pressure and are designed as impermeability under this degree.
Special structural aluminum or optionally anodized structural aluminum framework. It is made use framework plastic corner as size of 40 for device which capacity is between 1.000-15.000 m³/h, size of 50 for device which capacity is too big of 15.000m³/h. Frameworks consist minimum 2 mm gravity structural aluminum.
All panels are made as double-hull sandwich structural. The gravity of internal steel metal is 0,60 mm (standard) and external steel metal gravity is changeable for size of device. In generally surface of panels are manufactured through PVC covered galvanize steel and also electrostatics paint covered is available. For isolation, it is injected 20-25mm polyurethane or made use rock wool as capacity.
Electricity Motors
Tri-phase motors (380V-50Hz), Mono-phase also usable. Motors are safe IP54 and IP55 class. Optionally they designed as twin cycle.
Drive Control System
V-belt pulley are type of V and certificated by DIN 2211,TS 148
Heat Exchangers
Heating and cooling exchanger consist of the aluminum lamely parts on copper pipe. Collectors are built through anti-corrosive painted steel pipe. Exchangers are mounted on drays on a free movement basis in device. On the collectors there is nipple for taking aspiration purged. Optionally it can be produced as galvanized steel pipe or steel wing (panel).Cooling exchangers are built expansion copper pipe or aluminum panel. They include Freon distributor for source of Freon gas or capillary pipe. Exchanger exists of max.12 atm. hydraulic pressure test.
Vestige-keepers and condensation pans
In the cooling exchangers include PVC or aluminum paneled vestige-keepers as to airflow velocity.1.5 mm galvanize gravity and optionally condensation pans maiden stainless steel.
Hydrous or vaporous type of humidifiers. Air deflectors, water circulation system, separators, hermetic control device and humidifying pool. Separator and deflector consist of aluminum structural steel or PVC materials.
Filters are eligible for standards’ of ASHRE. Filters include these types;
*EU-2,EU-3,EU-4 norms are synthetic fiber.
*EU-5,EU-7,EU-9 norms are pack.
*EU-13,EU-14 norms are Hepa filters
Optimum air flow velocity, V-type design, standard filters are synthetic fiber and with the assistance of special transportation drays they can mount or demount easily. The other filters are also hermetic and optionally its taken perfume-keeper carbon panel filters.
Mixture Unit and Dumpers
Max. 6 m/sec air flow capacity. Dumpers are built as eligible manual or servo motor commendation.
Exhaust Unit
Manuel control or motor-drive control. Include inners and dumpers
Silencer Unit
In consideration of constriction, it holds the distinction of being the other feature. Internal partition of silencer plates, air flow, ventilation type, number of panels are designed according to frequency and intensity of silenced voice and is became 10-20 centimetric plates. Galvanize steel, mineral wool or rock wool.
Heat Recovery Unit
It is built aluminum plate-type or drum-type